What’s in a Performance Review

Lately, I’ve been offering to do free performance reviews in an effort to get more work to show here and potentially get more paying work as well. There are never any obligations for free consultations, including basic performance reviews. When I say Free, I mean Free.

There have, however, been a few points of confusion. I’m always up for a chat, or email, but to clear things up here are a few things to know:

1. I can review any site

Whether you’re on a “site builder” (like Wix, Weebly, SquareSpace), WordPress hosting, or your own hosting provider I can take a look and make suggestions.

2. I don’t need special access

Unless you want me to fix something for you, I don’t need access to your site at all.

I use various tools including, Browser Developer Tools, and web performance testers (like GTMetrix & Pingdom). These tools just request your site’s pages just as any other visitor would.

You can totally just use those tools yourself, but I’m here to make it easier.

3. I’ll give you a few first steps

Often, just addressing the top 3 things that are slowing your page down will get it into a decent performance standing. You often can cut your page size in half, just by finding the images or scripts that are most to blame.

I often will optimize your largest images and send them to you with your performance in brief.

4. I’ll offer my help

If there are items you need help with, I can show you extra resources or help you directly.

Get in touch if you have any questions, or would like a basic performance review.